

Monday, May 18, 2015

Departure Day

Woke up to "CAMINO" splashed across my phone since it was on my calendar, what a rush!! Then I looked at my weather app and the first city is Logrono--how did it know where I was going? Anyway, it's 81* today and 60* in two days when I start. Ugh. But just overcast and not rainy as forecasted last week.

I have packed, unpacked, and repacked dozens of times, trying to get everything just right in my backpack. It takes on so much more importance with my broken toe and the added weight. A lightning bolt idea struck me last night while I was sleeping--why not hire a service to take my bag ahead for the first two, three, or four days as needed? Then I can still walk but without the added pounds. It might work. There are services like this, which if I were not injured, I would never consider because that's not how the real pilgrims did it thousands of years ago. Cheating! But in this case, maybe worth it and I will look into it.

Flying out soon. Austin->Atlanta->Madrid, arriving 9:30am. Then some time in Madrid, followed by 4-hour bus ride to Logrono arriving tomorrow evening around 7pm. It's going to be a loooooooong day/night. Hopefully the excitement will carry me through. Bye and "see" you on the Camino.

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