

Sunday, May 24, 2015

An unexpected sideline

Spain is so beautiful and yet so cold. I have been unable to update this blog because there is nowhere to go to have privacy that is not outside. With a high temperature of 48 degrees yesterday and a low of 38 degrees this morning, I am utterly and miserably cold. Right now I am wandering around a park chasing patches of sun in Burgos Spain in order to record this. I have given up trying to write.

This morning, two pilgrims and myself decided to throw in the towel and take the bus to the next largest city. It was raining and 38 degrees and we simply don't have the gear nor the desire to walk in these conditions. I think others will wish they would have done the same.

We will resume our pilgrimage when the weather decides to cooperate and return to a normal springtime climate. At this point, 50 degrees seems reasonable to me (probably Tuesday). It's hard to believe that it was 90 degrees here two weeks ago!

Prior to this temperature assault on our bodies, the Camino was going quite well. My toe is mostly pain free; however, my calves are in constant pain and cramping.  I understand from others that this is normal and may take up to a week to abate.

Well the sun has gone behind the clouds permanently now and I must return inside to the albergue (like a hostel). I am wearing everything that I brought with me and it's not enough. So nothing else to do but wait and hope and pray for relief! It's weird to be huddled in a room about 20x20 with 16  people in bunk beds and nothing to do because we can't do our walk or even go outside really. Well, more later and until then here are some pics from the last couple days...


  1. Sorry to hear about the weather change and ensuing hardship. You're strong and present-minded and I know that once you reach the other side you'll be even more proud of your accomplishment and amazed by your own perseverance. Sending positive thoughts of warmth and sunny skies. Glad to hear your toe is improving!

  2. Yeah, so glad about the toe, but calf cramps, horrid! Cold and rainy is such a dreadful combination. I'm glad you went ahead and took the bus, that feels smart to me. I hope warm weather comes back soon! xoxo
